In this section you will find evaluation resources from the EES and other evaluation organisations.
Publication announcements and book reviews
The European Evaluation Society (EES) aims to disseminate knowledge about the theory and practice of evaluation and to promote constructive debate among its members about topical evaluation issues.
Accordingly, we wish to include regular information about recent contributions to the evaluation literature and we encourage members to submit reviews suitable for inclusion in Connections, the EES Newsletter.
So, if you have been reading something you think others might be interested in, why not let us know about it? And if you would like to provide your own perspective on a recent publication, why not prepare a book review? Submissions should be submitted to the EES Secretariat (
The following guidelines apply:
• between 500 and 1,000 words
• bibliographic details
• relevance to diverse audiences (students, teachers, professional evaluators, evaluation commissioners,
evaluation managers, other stakeholders)
• overview of contents
• analysis of strengths, weaknesses and gaps
• constructively critical comment is encouraged but personal attacks are ruled out
• family links or other close association between reviewer and author(s) should be disclosed