The International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) is an international partnership of national and regional evaluation associations that provides leadership in evaluation worldwide by encouraging demand for evaluation, and supporting organizational capacity for evaluation associations. The IOCE facilitates sharing ideas across the global evaluation community, promotes good governance of evaluation associations, and champions the recognition of the value and contributions of evaluation to improve the lives of people.

The International Evaluation Partnership Initiative (EvalPartners)
The International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation and UNICEF, in partnership with several major organizations, launched an innovative partnership to enhance the capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) to influence policy makers, public opinion and other key stakeholders so that public policies are based on evidence, and incorporate considerations of equity and effectiveness. The objective of the Initiative is to enhance the capacities of CSOs to engage in a strategic and meaningful manner in national evaluation processes, contributing to improved country-led evaluation systems and policies that are equity-focused and gender equality responsive. For more information click here.
The EES and IOCE collaborate on the following issues:
- EvalYouth, the global multi-stakeholder partnership to promote young and emerging evaluators formed within EvalPartners, and the yEES!, young and emerging group of the , had several dialogues since their creations and formalized their institutional alignment at the UNDP National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) conference, in 2017. During NEC 2017, the groups held joint networking sessions and a career support workshop for YEES. In Istanbul, the two groups also discussed how to promote more efficient actions and started drawing what would later become a major partnership.
- From 2017 and 2018 the dialogue on the potential partnerships between the two groups intensified, culminating in the selection of an yEES! representative to the board of EvalYouth Global, in November 2018. Through this nomination, yEES! became EvalYouth’s chapter for Europe and the coordinating organization of EvalYouth Task Force 4 — Youth Participatory Evaluation. With the inclusion of yEES! in the EvalYouth management group and its nomination as EvalYouth’s chapter for Europe, yEES!’s and EvalYouth ECA’s mandate to promote YEES in Europe is overlapping, which calls for a stronger — more strategic and more aligned — coordination between the two groups.