Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
The journal Evaluation launched in 1995, has always had a close association with the EES, publishing EES Special Issues following each EES conference. It is available online to EES members as part of their membership package. Evaluation publishes fully refereed articles and aims to advance the theory, methodology and practice of evaluation. We favour articles that bridge theory and practice whether through generalizable and exemplary cases or theoretical and methodological innovation.
Journal Description
Other Journals in the Field of Evaluation
- American Journal of Evaluation
- Beleidsonderzoek Online
- Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (CES/CSE)
- Evaluation and the Health Professions
- Evaluation Review: A Journal of Applied Social Research
- Evaluation theorie and praxis (in Czech only)
- Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
- Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice
- fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
- Journal for Evaluation (Zeitschrift für Evaluation, in German only)
- Journal of MultiDisiplinary Evaluation (JMDE)
- LeGes (in German only)
- New Directions for Evaluation (NDE)
- The Scientific Journal about Evaluation of Italian Evaluation Society (Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione)

Evaluation Journal – ONLINE ACCESS
All EES members in good standing are entitled to have an electronic access to Evaluation, the International Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice. Please, log in your membership account first.