The International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) positions itself as the only global professional evaluation association that focuses on international sustainable development. Over the years it remains the only home for evaluators working globally and on global issues, with a global perspective. It is deeply involved in strengthening and promoting the profession, fostering capacity development, and improving and advancing evaluation theories and practice, methods and use of evidence.
EES’ TWG 5 “Emerging Evaluators” is currently working with IDEAS, as well as EvalYouth on the P2P + Career Emerging Evaluators Initiative. It aims to boost emerging evaluators’ careers by promoting knowledge exchange through peer-to-peer advisory sessions, which focus on career advice, networking secrets, and technical tips.
EES’ TWG 5 also worked with IDEAS, as well as representatives of other networks for young and emerging evaluators (yEES) affiliated with regional VOPEs, to conduct Special Session 7: “Young and Emerging Evaluators: taking stock and looking ahead” during the IDEAS Conference 2019 in Prague.
In this session, young evaluation leaders reflected on the extent to which their activities have contributed to the realization of EvalAgenda 2020 objectives, and what opportunities exist or can be created for yEES to increase youth participation in the field of evaluation.