José has more than 25 years of professional experience working in academia (University of London), multilateral development banks or MDBs (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development-EBRD; World Bank Group), supra-national institutions (European Commission), and private sector (Frontier Economics).
José has: –
- Extensive experience in leading, assessing and evaluating infrastructure investment projects, policies and programs, most recently as Director of the Financial, Infrastructure, Private Sector, and Sustainable Development Department in the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of The World Bank Group, leading a 40+ staff team responsible for evaluating the activities of the IFC, MIGA, and the Infrastructure and Sustainable Development Global Practices of the World Bank (IBRD).
- Solid technical skills and extensive experience in the design and use of impact assessment and results frameworks in public financial institutions acquired through four years as Director of Project Design and Appraisal in the EBRD’s Office of the Chief Economist; including responsibility for the design and implementation of EBRD’s Transition Impact Monitoring System (TIMS),a pioneer management information system designed to track transition impact targets and intermediate outcomes of EBRD investment projects, advisory, and policy dialogue activities.
- Additional evaluation and impact assessment experience as (a) adviser to several MDBs and their evaluation Departments (ADB; EIB; EBRD; IADB) undertaking evaluations of the impact and development effectiveness of public and private sector interventions (environment, country strategy, PPPs; transport, telecommunications, water), SME risk financing instruments, and country growth strategies; and (b) Lead of the Thematic Working Group #3 (Private Sector Evaluation) at the European Evaluation Society, promoting the use of good practice evaluation methods and approaches for the evaluation and impact assessment of private sector interventions.