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Date(s) - 10/07/2023


Closing Date: 12th July 2023

Description: The ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, on behalf of the ILO Evaluation Office (EVAL), is looking for evaluation teams or individual consultants highly trained in the evaluation of development cooperation programmes and projects and/or public policies to carry out the independent pooled evaluation of the Joint Vocational Training Programme in Colombia.

Interested individuals or teams must provide the following information:
• A statement describing the team composition, profile and relevant previous experience of each team member (and the firm, if applicable);
• A detailed description of the tasks that each team member will perform according to their profile and experience;
• Up-to-date CVs of all team members;
• Two recent references available, including email and phone;
• An economic proposal that includes the actual working days required and the daily rate in USD (for each team member);
• A statement confirming that they have had no involvement in the Projects or a personal relationship with the Projects team; and
• A statement confirming the availability of the equipment on the dates indicated.

Applications are accepted from evaluation teams, team coordinators and/or individual team members. Signature or individual contracts are possible.

The requested documentation must be sent via email, indicating in the subject “Expression of Interest: Evaluation FTP Colombia”, to the evaluation area of the ILO Regional Office (