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Date(s) - 02/10/2023 - 24/11/2023


ITCILO International Training Centre of the ILO

Date: 2nd October to 24th November 2023

To measure success and report on results, development cooperation professionals and public sector officials are creating monitoring and evaluation systems. Systems that learn from experience to support organizational learning. Learning to improve, but above all to improve the performance of programs and projects. In this context, monitoring and evaluation jointly become an essential function to be anchored in organizations, programmes and projects. This is why international organizations, as well as those of the public sector, have been investing for several years in the creation of monitoring and evaluation structures. To enable you to specialize in this profession that is in demand, the ITC-ILO offers you an online certification programme that allows you to acquire all the technical skills and tools necessary to ensure effective monitoring of projects and programmes, but also to manage the various evaluations that are part of the programming cycle.


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