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Date(s) - 20/07/2023


Deadline: 20 July 2023. A full proposal will be requested from firms who are shortlisted.

Independent Development Evaluation at the African Development Bank invites Consulting Firms to indicate their interest in supporting the Evaluation of the African Development Bank Group’s Decentralization covering the period 2015 to 2022.

The assignment includes the following activities:
• Inception: Desk reviews and preliminary consultations with critical stakeholders to develop a solid understanding of the goals, scope, and context of the evaluation and develop the methodological foundations for the study, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis strategy and tools presented in the form of an Inception report.
• Data collection and analysis: The Consultant will execute the data collection and analysis strategy as approved in the Inception Report. This includes conducting in-depth document reviews, analysis of secondary data, key informant interviews, and field missions to selected regions and countries.
• Reporting: During this exercise, the Consultant will produce a case study report, a comprehensive draft and a final technical evaluation report that analyses and synthesizes findings, conclusions and emerging lessons.

The assignment has a duration of seven months and is expected to start on 1 September 2023.

Further Details