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Date(s) - 04/08/2023



Deadline: 4th August 2023
Contract Value: 70,000 CHF
Anticipated Dates of Project: 01 September 2023 – 31 January 2024

The ICRC seeks to commission an evaluation of its Humanitarian Forensic Action (HFA) to take stock of the developments of its set of services, its achievements and challenges, limitations, and opportunities. It will help ICRC senior management to better understand to which extent and how HFA as a service is an added value for ICRC mandate and operational impact. It will help Forensic management to steer the future of the ICRC HFA and ensure that its value chain and value proposition are aligned with the analysis of the humanitarian landscape.

Humanitarian Forensic Action is the application and adaptation of forensic sciences and investigative principles to prevent and address matters of humanitarian concern, alleviate suffering, and provide assistance to victims, families, communities, and the society at large. Such matters include the search for missing persons towards the families’ right to know, and the proper treatment and identification of the deceased, including in detention settings. It also looks at preventing and addressing torture and other forms of ill treatment and sexual violence. The Forensic Unit both promotes and supports humanitarian forensics around the world and is grounded in the ICRC mandate consistently demonstrating its added value and capacity to operate where others cannot.

Expertise Required
Team Leader:
• Substantial experience (minimum 15 years) in leading teams, and designing and delivering rigorous evaluations in the international and humanitarian sectors, meeting international evaluation quality standards.
• Advanced stakeholder communication, risk analysis, and project management skills. • Demonstrable experience of applied ethics in evaluations.
• Publications and sectoral contributions track record.
• Minimum academic qualification: post-graduate research methods in evaluation, humanitarian response, IHL, human rights, biological and medical science, disaster management or other field relevant to this evaluation.
Across the team
• Experience of conducting mixed- methods humanitarian evaluations.
• Knowledge, understanding, and/or experience of the ICRC’s institutional and operating models.
• Expertise in developing and tailoring qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis tools.
• Technical knowledge and understanding of biological and medical science, investigation and police work, disaster management would be a strong advantage.
• Ability to work in English language is essential with additional languages such as French and Spanish would be an added asset

Further Information