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Date(s) - 25/01/2024


Ann Murray-Brown

Date: 25 January 2024

Time: 15:00h CET

Venue: Online

Do you pour blood, sweat, and tears into evaluations, only to have the report with the findings fall flat? You know the data inside and out, but struggle to capture attention and spark action among stakeholders. I’ve been there too!

Some reports may be perfect for conference presentations and academic journals but sometimes they do not translate into captivating narratives that persuade and influence change with a wider audience. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce an upcoming webinar, “The Art of Influential Evaluation: Crafting Communications for Maximum Impact” which takes place on 25 January 2024 at 15:00h CET. We will go into more details in the following 3 good practices of evaluation reporting.

For further details and to book your place, click here.