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Date(s) - 16/09/2024


Médecins Sans Frontières


Key Information to encourage interest

Starting date: September 2024 (exact date TBD)

Duration: September 2024 to mid-March, 2025 (final report to be submitted the latest by March 17, 2025)

Requirements: Interested applicants should submit…
…a technical proposal
…a financial proposal
…a CV
…a previous (relevant) work sample

Deadline: No later than 0900hrs (CEST) on September 16, 2024
Send to: marked “AMREV”
Note: Providing only the requested and necessary documentation should prove your interest, capacity, and competency in the best possible manner. Quality outweighs quantity for us. The evaluation will require visits to some project locations for onsite data collection. These are to be suggested, confirmed and further planning done during inception phase, through discussions with SEU’s Evaluation Manager, Consultation Group for the evaluation and other key stakeholders (considering relevance and feasibility of project visits) .

In line with the MSF institutional commitment to address AMR, the MSF Operational Centre Brussels (OCB) medical department wants this evaluation to better understand the status of the implementation of AMR activities (basic and full package) in OCB projects. It is expected that the evaluation will provide an overview of how AMR is being implemented into the OCB projects, the successes and challenges of these activities, and recommendations for enhancing AMR activities in existing and future OCB health interventions.

This evaluation will contribute to nourish the development of MSF-OCB’s overall AMR programming, including feeding the conversations about strategical ambitions and necessary investments to move this further.

Full details can be found in the Terms of Reference on our vacancy page.

Link/URL to job role: