Swedish Agency for Public Management
Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) provides the Government and Ministries with relevant, specific and useful documentation for reassessment and rationalisation decisions. Matters relating to the organisation, governance and development of public administration are covered by the Agency’s remit in the area of administrative policy.
Statskontoret does so by
- surveying and analysing central government activities and agencies in terms of efficiency
- reporting on the effects of state actions
- providing documentation for review and rationalisation
- promoting further development of administrative policy.
Statskontoret’s survey and evaluation inputs are carried out on behalf of the Swedish Government, but also under agreements with the Government Offices and the state committee system.
Statskontoret can also take the initiative for studies by proposing surveys, evaluations and follow-ups throughout its own sphere of responsibility.
Contact Details:
Address: Fleminggatan 20, Stockholm, Box 8110, S-104 20, Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46-8-454 46 00
Fax:+46-8-791 89 72
Email: registrator@statskontoret.se
Website: www.statskontoret.se