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EES membership benefits:

Individual membership benefits

  1. Subscription to Evaluation, the International Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice with electronic access * and optionally with printed copies to be sent quaterly.
  2. Reduced conference registration fee for  the EES Biennial conferences and priority to receive advanced information about forthcoming EES conferences;
  3. Reduced registration rates for professional development events (organized or co-organized by EES);
  4. Monthly EES newsletter “EuropEval Digest” sent exclusively in electronic form and permanent access to the past issues;
  5. Ability to participate in the only European association of evaluators, with opportunities to influence the direction and the activities of EES (e.g. throught participation in various Thematic working groups – TWG);
  6. Possibility to become an EES ‘Certified Evaluator, through its newly established Voluntary Evaluator Peer Review (VEPR) programme, available exclusively to EES members. (Free VEPR review for members with 2years membership.)
  7. Opportunity to post information on the EES website, e.g. jobs/tenders offers, trainings, events/conferences and resources;
  8. Opportunities for networking and sharing information with colleagues across Europe with similar interest via access to BLOG and FORMUS on the EES website;
  9. Access to directory of members;
  10. Access to the EES website with information about upcoming events, various resources, employment opportunities, information about society, link to other evaluation organizations in Europe and beyond;
  11. Being part of a European community of people with a common interest in evaluation;
  12. Greater awareness of the latest news concerning evaluation across Europe;
  13. Potential to contribute to the development of evaluation culture across Europe;
  14. Potential of joint activities with EES.

Institutional membership benefits:

  1. Five subscriptions to Evaluation, the International Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice in hardcopies and the electronic access to past issues; *
  2. Reduced conference registration fees (up to five institutional representatives) for the EES Biennial conferences and priority to receive advanced information about forthcoming EES conferences;
  3. Reduced registration rates for professional development events (organized or co-organized by EES);
  4. EES newsletter “Connections” sent exclusively to institutional members in a hardcopy (five pieces) and permanent access to the past issues on the EES website;
  5. Ability to participate in the only European association of evaluators, with opportunities to influence the direction and the activities of EES (e.g. throught participation in various Thematic working groups – TWG);
  6. Opportunity to post information on the EES website, e.g. jobs/tenders offers, trainings, events/conferences and resources;
  7. Opportunities for networking and sharing information with colleagues across Europe with similar interest via access to BLOG and FORMUS on the EES website;
  8. Access to directory of members;
  9. Being seen and recognised as a leader in evaluation in Europe – you will be identified and recognised as an institutional member of EES on the EES website via your logo and description;
  10. Access to the EES website with information about upcoming events, various resources, employment opportunities, information about society, link to other evaluation organizations in Europe and beyond;
  11. Being part of a European community of people with a common interest in evaluation;
  12. Greater awareness of the latest news concerning evaluation across Europe;
  13. Potential to contribute to the development of evaluation culture across Europe;
  14. Potential of joint activities with EES;
  15. Other potential benefits can be discussed (e.g. links on the EES website to your own organisation and/or resources).

* After receiving the payment, the Sage Journal –  Evaluation, the International Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice can be reached instantly from the EES account following the link here.