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EES Conference 2022 Interview questions

1.  Could you please introduce yourself and your specific areas of interest? (If relevant: and who will you be presenting this workshop with?) SCOTT:  I have been working in international development for over 25 years, and evaluation for about 19 of those years. I...

What did we read in April ?

Advanced Content Analysis: Can Artificial Intelligence Accelerate Theory-Driven Complex Program Evaluation? | World Bank Independent Evaluation Group   The spectre of artificial intelligence (AI) has haunted the evaluation profession for decades, evoking excitement...

What we’re reading in March

What we’re reading in March: Remembering the Learning part of MEL, Machine Learning in GIS and Evaluating Family Planning in Egypt   By Greg McGann, EES Blog Editor Learning at the speed of trust: building monitoring, evaluation and learning capacity | itad  Few...

Advocacy evaluation: measuring policy influence

Influencing government decisions is an important component of policy change in most political systems. Advocates of structural change must convince policymakers of the worthiness of the changes advocated for. Most advocacy organizations face growing pressure to...

Gender and Evaluation: Are we walking the talk?

Last year, our blog called “Let’s increase efforts to mainstream gender in evaluations!” presented five recommendations to ensure gender is mainstreamed in evaluations. The main takeaways from last year’s blog are: Make gender analysis a...