by Gregory McGann | Jul 13, 2021 | Blog
The notion that demography is destiny has become cliché and subsequently derided, not least because of the exhausting political struggles and unpleasant history of population planning. But the sentiment, though crude in its formulation, accurately reflects the...
by Andy Rowe | Jul 12, 2021 | Blog
Andy Rowe and Debbie DeLancey A recent report released by the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) assesses readiness of evaluation in Canada to address sustainability. It finds that evaluations that consider sustainability and the natural system more generally are...
by Gregory McGann | Jun 24, 2021 | Blog
The road ahead: Evaluators must promote learning for adaptive development processes This useful piece from FAO’s Director of Evaluation Masahiro Igarashi captures much of the evolution in the role of the...
by Burt Perrin | May 27, 2021 | Blog
This blog provides further discussion and elaboration of themes discussed in the EES EvalEdge Podcast on this topic, along with a few resources[1] for additional reading. Burt Perrin, independent consultant, Part I – What does one mean by...
by Gregory McGann | May 25, 2021 | Blog
How prepared is the World Bank Group to leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks of disruptive and transformative technologies? In this piece, Soniya Carvalho, Stephan R. Wegner, Mitko Grigorov and Breda Griffith provide a useful update on the application of...
by Taruna Gupta | May 17, 2021 | Blog
By Taruna Gupta, EES Member and Tweetathon Participant Tweetathon: a blend of the word ‘tweet’ and ‘marathon’; where twitter messages a continuously posted for a given period focused on a particular topic. On the 7th of April, the #Eval4Action campaign celebrated...