CEB Council of Europe Development Bank
The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) is a multilateral development bank with a social mandate.
Established in 1956 on the basis of a partial agreement of the Council of Europe in order to help provide solutions to the problem of refugees, the Bank has progressively widened its scope of action to include other sectors directly contributing to strengthening social cohesion in Europe. With its 41 Member States, the CEB represents a major instrument of solidarity in Europe: it participates in financing social investment projects, responds to emergency situations and, seeks to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations throughout its member countries. The CEB’s action mainly consists in granting loans to finance projects that are economically and socially viable. The Bank can also act by issuing guarantees or through the use of trust accounts.
The Bank’s project/loan activity is currently structured around four sectoral lines of action, namely:
- strengthening social integration
- managing the environment
- supporting public infrastructure with a social vocation
- supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (additional sectoral line of action set up within the framework of the Development Plan 2014-2016, which came into force on 1st January 2014).
The CEB continually strives to enhance the quality of the projects and programmes it finances. Within this framework, the evaluation of projects and programmes serves a dual purpose: first, it constitutes an instrument to support operational learning, through feedback to management on operational outcomes; second, it contributes to CEB’s accountability towards its Member States.
Evaluation enhances the transparency of operations and contributes to:
- assessing the impact and sustainability of projects and programmes financed by the CEB, and investigating their performance and quality;
- improving the planning, selection and design of future projects and programmes;
- fostering organisational learning within the CEB through the dissemination of lessons and good practices with a view to improving the Bank’s assistance and services to its borrowers.
Contact Details
Company: CEB
Department: Office of Evaluation
Address: CEB, Evaluation Department, 55, avenue Kléber, F-75116 PARIS, France
Email: Anne Schifflers, Evaluation Technical Officer,