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Date(s) - 13/07/2023


The Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S) in Berlin

Closing Date: 13th July 2023
Start and End Date: 25th August – 30 November 2023
Location: remote, no travel forseen

Speak Up Europe is a two-year project that aims to prevent corruption in high-risk areas in the EU by empowering individuals to speak up about misconduct to public, private and civil society organisations that can take action, with a focus on Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia. The project has two specific objectives:
1. Whistleblowers and other citizens access practical, safe online platforms to report corruption in high-risk areas to CSOs and receive technical, legal and advocacy support.
2. National authorities, companies and public institutions working in corruption high-risk areas implement whistleblowing mechanisms that are in line with EU and international best practice.

The overall objectives of the mid-term evaluation are the following:
• Provide an independent, systematic and objective assessment of the achievements of the objectives and outcomes as specified in the project’s MEL framework and the extent to which the project has contributed to its two stated objectives.
• Document lessons learned and good practices to generate clear forward-looking and actionable recommendations to guide TI-S and National Chapters and other stakeholders in developing strategies for future related work at national, regional and global levels.

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