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Date(s) - 18/07/2024


Swiss Chinese Law Association

17-18 July 2024

Following the success of last year’s inaugural meeting, this forum will further explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in fostering sustainable development, enhancing economic opportunities, and bridging technological divides. Our focus is on ensuring equitable access to AI benefits, particularly in the realms of legal services and justice systems in underserved communities.

The forum’s discussions will be centered around key areas:

  1. AI and Access to Legal Services in the Developing World
  2. AI and Access to Justice in the Developing World
  3. AI and Dispute Resolution
  4. AI and Ethics
  5. AI and Compliance Programs for Financial Abuse, Money Laundering, Bribery, and Corruption Prevention

Your expertise and active participation are crucial as we navigate these important topics. We encourage you to contribute your insights and join this critical conversation, helping to shape the future of AI applications in the legal sector, especially within developing countries.

Please register your interest and find more details about the forum by visiting We look forward to your participation and to continuing our collaborative efforts towards a more inclusive and accessible legal landscape worldwide