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Date(s) - 10/07/2024


On behalf of the Evaluation Office, the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean is seeking for expressions of interest from evaluation teams to conduct the final independent evaluation of the Project Action against child trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation in Peru. The evaluation exercise foresees a level of effort of 80 effective working days, divided between the team members, which will be carried out between August and November 2024. Company and/or individual contracts are possible.

Further details are provided in Terms of Reference.

Interested candidates are required to supply the following information together with a Cover Letter:

  1. A description of how the team member’s skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to the required qualifications of this assignment;
  2. A technical proposal detailing methodological adaptations for at least two scenarios: (1) a mix of face-to-face and remote interviews, and (2) remote interviews only.
  3. A list of previous evaluations that are relevant to the context and subject matter of this assignment, indicating the role played by the consultant(s) applying (they can be highlighted in the CV);
  4. A copy of the curriculum vitae of all team members;
  5. A statement confirming their availability to conduct this assignment;
  6. A statement confirming that the candidates have no previous involvement in the implementation and delivery of the project to be evaluated, or a personal relationship with any ILO Officials who are engaged in the project;
  7. The names of two referees (including phone and email address) who can be contacted; and,
  8. A financial proposal indicating a daily professional fee expressed in US dollars and effective working days per team member and field work costs, if applicable. Note that fees must be commensurate with the consultants’ qualifications and experience. A template is provided in Annex 4 of ToR.

The deadline for the submission of an expression of interest for this assignment is 10 July 2024 at 08:00 GMT-5. Prospective candidates should send their expression of interest by email to EVAL-LAC (, with the subject header “EoI: Independent evaluation – Trafficking in Peru”.

Inquiries sent to only will be answered until July 8