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Date(s) - 27/06/2024


Council of Europe


Contract Value: Lump sum/partial payment

Anticipated dates of Project: 01/09/2024-31/12/2027

Through this framework agreement, the Council of Europe will engage external evaluation companies for the conduct of evaluations commissioned by the Evaluation Division of the Directorate of Internal Oversight or by other Council of Europe institutions, operational programmes, administrative entities external offices, institutional arrangements and partial agreements.

Evaluations commissioned under this framework agreement will focus primarily on the strategic objectives and programmes of the Organisation’s Programme and Budget and the operations of its Major Administrative Entities. As such, they may include the evaluation of the Council of Europe major programmes, initiatives, strategies, areas of action, funding agreements, regional or country action plans or programmes, as well as thematic and cross-cutting evaluations, and organisational evaluations, focusing on the functioning of the Council of Europe, including its institutional arrangements, entities, offices, and partial agreements.

Such evaluations are to be conducted in accordance with the Council of Europe Evaluation Policy and Evaluation Guidelines, as well as with international evaluation norms and standards. They also need to meet the highest quality standards in line with the OECD DAC and UNEG norms and standards.

The Council of Europe Evaluation Division will supervise, support and co-ordinate the implementation of the evaluations commissioned under this agreement.

The Council of Europe is looking for minimum of 3 (three) and maximum of 10 Providers (provided enough tenders meet the criteria indicated below) to implement programmes’ and strategic evaluations with a particular expertise on:
1. Evaluation norms and standards;
2. Evaluation process, methodology and approaches;
3. Data collection and analysis;
4. Meta-evaluations;
5. Evaluation in international organisations and/or public sector in international context;
6. Evaluation of normative work and of technical co-operation;
7. Thematic expertise in the areas in which the Council of Europe operates;
8. Thematic expertise in human rights and gender equality;
9. Experience in conducting evaluations in the territory of Council of Europe member states.

For further details online, click here.

Closing Date: 27 June 2024