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Date(s) - 15/09/2023


BRIGHTLY Consortium

The consortium seeks applications from suitable consultant(s)/team to develop a digital case management system for the programme, bespoke to this programme. This Beneficiary Data Management System (system) will be used to understand and respond to the acute needs and vulnerabilities across Yemen, with the ability to respond and adapt to various targeting modalities and intake streams including as a part of the rapid response mechanism and designed to work in all areas of Yemen covered by the programme and potentially expand to new areas as the context evolves. The estimated total number of beneficiaries is approximately 275,000. The programme will provide a range of services such as Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) and Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) through Cash-for-Work (CFW), financial inclusion activities, employment and entrepreneurial activities and on farm livelihood development.

Application Process:
The deadline for submission of questions is 15 September 2023. Questions should be addressed to with ‘Brightly Consortium Case Management System’ in the subject line.
A full list of all questions asked and replies will be emailed to all who have notified interest by the
14 of September. The deadline for full applications submission of questions is 27 September 2023. Questions should be addressed to with ‘Brightly Consortium Case Management System’ in the subject line.

Fully applications should include:
• Cover letter (maximum 1 page) stating the candidate/team’s availability.
• Technical proposal (maximum 5 pages): Which should include (i) brief description of the Consultant(s) previous experience in this kind of work; (ii) profile of the Consultant(s)/team, (iii) Understanding of the TOR and the task to be accomplished, (v) Draft work plan
• Financial proposal (maximum 1 page): covering all costs for all the services described in these terms of reference broken down according to the scope of work and inclusive of licence fees, technical support charges for the duration of the project, and everything necessary for the successful use, maintenance, running and adapting of the system throughout the life of the project.
• Two references from a commissioning organisation


Full TOR Brightly-Consortium-Beneficiary-Case-Management-System-ToR-final.pdf