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Date(s) - 04/08/2023


World Resources Institute

Closing Date: 4th August 2023
Contract Type: Consultant
Salary: 50,000
Location: Kinshasa (DRC), Jakarta (Indonesia)

The World Resources Institute intends to award a fixed price type contract for a consultant to conduct the midterm review of the project “Scaling up innovative technologies to combat illegal logging”, funded by Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) and implemented by the World Resources Institute since 2021. The results of this midterm review will identify and analyze whether the project objectives remain relevant and are likely to be achieved.

The midterm review seeks to identify and analyze whether the project objectives remain relevant and are likely to be achieved. It also aims to provide valuable input on project progress, potentially as a basis for steering the course towards greater project achievement where applicable. The review additionally seeks to how the agreement contributes to NICFI Outcomes and Areas of Strategic Interest.

Further Information