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Date(s) - 21/07/2023

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The Office of Independent Evaluation (OIE) of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)

Submission: Electronic submissions of the Expressions of Interest must be received no later than 16:00 EST on Monday, July 21, 2023.
Duration: Up to 150 person-days over six (6) months, starting September 2023.

Seeking expressions of interest for a consultancy opportunity. We are looking to contract a Consulting firm to conduct the Multicycle Evaluation of the Unified Special Development Fund (SDF), focusing on the Eighth and Ninth Cycles.

Objective: Assess the merits of SDF 8 and 9, gather insights for improved design and implementation of future cycles, and contribute to the Bank’s strategic priorities.

Required Qualifications:
(a) Demonstrate significant experience in two or more of the thematic areas of SDF 8 and 9 and in the cross-cutting areas of SDF 8 and 9;
(b) Have a track record of experience of conducting of evaluations, particularly of policies and strategies;
(c) Possess the ability to deploy experienced and proven experts to work on this assignment who have worked on similar assignments in the past and whom are staff of the Consultant or have worked extensively with the Consultant;
(d) Have experience of working with small island developing states, preferably with experience of working in the Caribbean; and
(e) Be able to prepare high quality documents and work in professional and collaborative manner with a wide range of stakeholders.

Further Information