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Date(s) - 03/09/2023


ITCILO International Training Centre of the ILO



At the Development Cooperation Academy, we offer an immersive blended Certification Programme in one of five core disciplines of development cooperation management. Participants who successfully complete the initial online phase, the in-person Academy track, and a tutor-guided practicum will earn a recognized certificate of achievement.

The goal of the Academy is to foster your professional growth and broaden your horizons:

• Focused Learning and Certification of Achievement: Our structured learning pathway leads to concrete competencies, recognized with a certification of achievement in one discipline of Development   Cooperation management.
• Peer Exchange: Engage in meaningful dialogue with fellow practitioners from all over the world, sharing insights and challenges in the post-Covid development cooperation landscape.
• Personal Connection: Reconnect with peers and forge new relationships in our in-person event at the beautiful UN campus in Turin, Italy.
• Global Network: Widen your professional reach and consolidate your global network for future collaborations and learning opportunities.

How to register:-

The application deadline is September 3, 2023. Our Academy is open to all professionals in the development field. Prior experience in development cooperation or project management would be beneficial but is not mandatory. If you’ve already decided on your discipline of specialization at the Development Cooperation Academy, the next step is simple. • Follow the links provided below under the description of each discipline; upon clicking on the registration link, you will be directed to an online form. • Please fill it out your personal details, passports details and professional background. Please note that, if needed, ITCILO can assist you with a support letter to facilitate the visa application process upon receipt of all requested documentation and payment of fees.

For further details and to book your place online, click here.