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Date(s) - 30/06/2023


Elton John AIDS Foundation

Closing Date: 30th June 2023
Contract Value: $40,000-60,000
Dates of Project: July-November 2023

The Midterm evaluation will provide an independent appraisal of progress made towards our Eastern Europe and Central Asia portfolio strategy. The evaluation will be used to demonstrate results achieved under this strategy, understand what activities led to desired outcomes and how, assess how likely achievements made will be sustained in the future, steer ongoing program improvement, and contribute to a broader evidence base of what works in the HIV/AIDS response in the region. The evaluation will be used by the EECA Grant Management and MEL team, our leadership, the communications and fundraising teams, donors, and partners in the EECA region.

At Midterm, we have elected to evaluate performance against the strategy against 3 of the OECD-DAC Criteria: impact, sustainability, and effectiveness. Recommendations from the evaluation will inform ongoing implementation of the EECA strategy until 2025.

The evaluation will answer the following questions:
1. What impact have we had on improving HIV-related health outcomes amongst key populations, PLHIV, and their networks in EECA?
2. Which results are likely to be sustained after the end of the strategy period and why?
3. What has worked and not worked to deliver target outcomes across the four strategic objectives?
The evaluation will be managed by an Evaluation Steering Committee, comprised of the EECA Portfolio Team and the EECA MEL Team. The evaluation will generate recommendations to inform future strategy design and implementation.

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