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Date(s) - 30/10/2023





EES Call for Coordinator of Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) for the EES 15th Biennial Conference, Rimini Italy, September 23-27th 2024.

The European Evaluation Society has successfully offered Professional Development workshops as part of its events programmes for many years.  The EES Board is now looking for a Coordinator of the PDWs for the Rimini Conference.  We anticipate around 20 workshops – half or full day in duration and facilitated by experienced evaluators well known in their field.  The PDW coordinator will work in collaboration with the EES Board and Conference team, and the main tasks involved are:

  • Develop a call for proposals for PDWs to go out in November 2023
  • Propose (with support from the Board) a small team of peer reviewers to carry out the proposal reviews.
  • Coordinate the proposal review process and select PDWs for the conference (by February 2024).
  • Liaise with PDW facilitators (leading up to and during the event). This will include updates, logistics and general administrative queries.
  • Attend EES Board meetings as a guest to update the Board on progress and any concerns.

The EES Board would be pleased to receive offers to coordinate the PDWs from experienced evaluators who have a broad and deep acquaintance with current trends and development in the evaluation community – both methodological and thematic and who can self-organise as well as organise a small team. Previous experience with similar work will be considered advantageous.

Young and emerging evaluators are welcome to apply in tandem with a mentor.

The workload will require approximately one to five hours per week but with most time required in the period November 2023 to February 2024.

The EES Board works on a pro bono, voluntary basis and this will also apply to the PDW Coordinator. However, in appreciation of the effort and support, EES Board will offer complimentary registration to the Rimini conference and will cover the costs of hotel accommodation on site for the duration of the event.

We hope this opportunity will be of interest to you and we look forward to receiving your response.

If interested, please send your CV and half a page description highlighting why you are best qualified for this role. Please submit your candidature by midnight CET Monday 30th October 2023 to