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Date(s) - 25/02/2025
4:00 - 5:15



Date: 25th February
Time: 16:00 – 17:15 CET (GMT+1)
Venue: – Online via Zoom

The European Evaluation Society (EES) invites you to a free webinar “Implementing an AI-led interview with many respondents”

Focussing on Practical skills for Qualitative data collection, featuring QualiaInterviews as a tool

Format :
– Essential skills for Qualitative data collection
– Live demonstration of QualiaInterviews with an interactive session where participants can experience being interviewed
– Hands-on exercise in setting up interviews
– Discussion on best practices and potential applications in evaluation
– Q&A including discussion on ethical implications and maintaining rigour

This webinar will provide a valuable professional development opportunity.  It offers practical insights into cutting-edge tools while encouraging critical discussion on their implications for the field.

It will be led by Steve Powell and Gabriele Caldas Cabral of Causal Map Ltd

This webinar is free of charge and open to both EES Members and Non-Members

Register now online by clicking here.

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Meeting ID: 821 0736 4441
Passcode: 219767