Date(s) - 07/08/2024
Contract value: Please contact us for more details
Anticipated dates of Project: July-December 2025
Brief outline of Project:
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), is Europe’s only intergovernmental laboratory for life science research. Established in 1974 to advance the study and understanding of molecular biology, nurture young talent, new ideas, and technologies, it now performs it activities across six sites in five host nations.
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), EMBL’s site in the UK, is Europe’s hub for biomolecular data, and an acknowledged world leader in the management and analysis of big data in biology. Founded in 1994 and located on the Wellcome Genome Campus near Cambridge, it provides freely available molecular databases and analysis tools spanning the full range of molecular biology, from nucleic acid (DNA) sequences to macromolecular structures through to systems biology and open publication platforms.
EMBL-EBI’s data resources are the most comprehensive and widely used data resources in the life sciences worldwide. In 2022, we received over 100 million requests for data a day from 42 million IP addresses annually, across 194 countries encompassing both leaders in research-intensity (the US, China, UK) and Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) with rapidly growing research sectors (such as India, Kenya, Vietnam).
EMBL-EBI data resources achieve global impact through a number of activities including:
– Hosting free-to-access, open data resources to the world
– Participating in major global collaborative projects developing and sharing the core data resources infrastructure to enable locally-led biodata infrastructure
– Promoting capacity building, standards and policies that create an enabling
environment to maximise the impact of open life sciences data, globally.
In the future, open data resources will need to be built even more fairly and inclusively at a global level to maximise the impact of research. The multifaceted challenge of improving human health will need concurrence and collaboration among diverse stakeholders from diverse geographic regions, requiring a renewed approach to data resource development, capacity building and sustainable delivery distributed among global partners. Currently,
partners in the LMICs are underrepresented. EMBL-EBI has received grant funding to help us explore data sharing in LMICs and identify pathways towards this long-term strategic goal.
Key information to encourage interest:
The purpose of the ITT is to identify an organisation that will deliver an independent expert evaluation of the socioeconomic impacts arising from investment in EMBL-EBI data resources.
The evaluation should address the following questions;
1. To what extent do EMBL-EBI data resources support researchers to assimilate
and reuse data/knowledge already created?
2. What impact does the assimilation and reuse of data/knowledge supported by
EMBL-EBI data resources have on research productivity and efficiency?
3. To what extent do the effects of EMBL-EBI data resources on research
productivity and efficiency contribute to wider socioeconomic impacts?
The evaluation will provide quantitative and qualitative evidence of the wider benefits arising from EMBL-EBI data resources. This evaluation should effectively complement two existing economic assessments published in 2016 and in 2021, which provide a historical benchmark.
It may be appropriate to extend, refine or otherwise vary the contingent valuation
approaches previously used, in light of developments such as
– changes in how researchers use EMBL-EBI data resources and appreciation of
the broader knock-on effects of ‘data first’ approaches in the research sector
– recent innovations in socioeconomic impact modelling methodologies
– the increasing importance of data for artificial intelligence applications
– the increasing recognition of sustainability and carbon intensity as important
elements of socioeconomic impact.
The final output will contribute to the evidence base on the socioeconomic impacts and return on investment resulting from open research data infrastructure.
More information in the files linked below:
1. Introduction, Instructions & Procurement Process:
2. Invitation to Tender:
3. Anex C Legal Requirements:
Link/url to full Tender