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Date(s) - 03/08/2021
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The Transparency International Secretariat in Berlin is seeking a consultant or team of consultants to conduct the end-of project evaluation of the Integrity Pacts (IP) – Civil Control Mechanism For Safeguarding EU Funds, Phase 2 Project (IP EU project).

This six-year pilot project running from 2016 -2021 aims to “explore and promote the use of Integrity Pacts for safeguarding EU funds against fraud and corruption, and as a tool to increase transparency and accountability, enhance trust in authorities and government contracting, contribute to a good reputation of contracting authorities, bring cost savings and improve competition through better procurement”. It is funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG Regio) with a total project budget over 8,8 million Euro.

For the TOR and for further information please follow this link: