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Date(s) - 16/08/2023


Application Closing Date: 16 August 2023
Consultancy Start and End Date: 2nd October 2023–22nd December 2023
Location of Consultancy: Remote, potential travel to Brussels for final project meeting on 28/29 November 2023 pending funding

The Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S) in Berlin is seeking a consultant or team of
consultants to conduct the end-of-project evaluation of the Integrity Watch 3.0 project to provide an
external and independent review of the project’s performance and achievements.

Integrity Watch 3.0 is a two-year project that provides officials, citizens, civil society and journalists with a series of online tools for the prevention, detection and reduction of political corruption in 16 EU countries. Transparency International chapters, together with our EU office, are scoping relevant data on lobbying, conflicts of interests, assets and incomes of politicians, revolving doors, or other areas where political corruption might happen. And they are crossreferencing this with information on the use of public resources and other money flows to better track where corruption happens. All of this data is being harmonised and featured in user-friendly interactive websites.

By December 2023, Integrity Watch 3.0 will have:
(Outcome 1) Improved the ability of relevant agencies, civil society and media to measure and detect corruption risks, and prevent political corruption
(Outcome 2) Increased domestic and cross-border coordination and cooperation between relevant stakeholders in government, civil society and media.

The project is funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police, with a total budget of EUR 1,005,092. The project is co-ordinated by TI-S and TI EU with partners including TI Czech Republic, TI Estonia, TI France, TI Greece, TI Hungary, TI Italy, TI Latvia, TI Lithuania, TI Netherlands, TI Portugal, TI Malta, TI Romania, TI Slovakia, TI Spain, TI Slovenia.

It runs from January 2022 to December 2023.

Further Details