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Date(s) - 16/08/2024


Fundación Anesvad

Contract Value : Not specified

Link/url to full Tender

Brief outline of Project
The overall objective of this evaluation is to analyse the contribution of Fundación Anesvad to the WHO road map, in relation to the Skin-NTDs. The general questions guiding this evaluation are how and to what extent does Fundación Anesvad contribute to the road map?

The evaluation will be limited to Foundation’s action in four countries: Ghana, Togo, Benin and Côte d’Ivoire, between 2017 and 2024. The projects identified by Anesvad Foundation team that will be the subject of this study are around 30 projects[1] deployed in these countries, in this period, through Governments (Skin-NTDs National Programmes), Research Centres, Civil Society Organisations, Social Enterprises and the WHO.

The specific objectives of this evaluation are as follows:
OBJECTIVE 1: Toidentify the Theory of Change and indicators of the road map, as well as the Theories of Change and indicators of the Anesvad Foundation’s projects. This will be followed by an analysis of their convergence.
OBJECTIVE 2: To collect quantitative data and qualitative information on the indicators and dimensions identified in Specific Objective 1 and to analyse the Fundación Anesvad’s contribution to the WHO Road map based on this information.
OBJECTIVE 3: Analyse difficulties or obstacles encountered in implementing the road map framework and make recommendations for corrective action.

Key information to encourage interest
Fundación Anesvad is an independent and non-denominational foundation with more than 50 years of experience in the field of international development cooperation.

In 2015, Fundación Anesvad redefined its identity, decided to concentrate its action geographically and to promote the specialisation of its activity in Skin-related Neglected Tropical Diseases (hereafter referred to as “Skin-NTDs”), as well as the human rights-based approach and the cross-cutting perspectives of gender, disability, interculturality and environmental sustainability. All this was reflected in its Mission, Vision and organisational values.

In December 2022, Fundación Anesvad approved its Strategic Plan 2023-2026 for the next four years. The intention of the Foundation in this strategic cycle is to enhance the positive impact on people, families and communities affected by Skin-NTD in the countries where the Foundation operates. To this end, we are refining our Theory of Change which will allow us to outline the strategic guidelines and the basis for building a system for measuring and managing impact.

In 2023, the Foundation’s activity focused on 73 projects (many of them initiated in previous years) that ultimately aim to improve the quality of life of the population affected by Skin-NTDs, as well as the elimination, control and eradication of these diseases.

The deadline for submission of the consultancy bid is 16 August 2024 inclusive. It must be submitted by e-mail:
for the attention of Alba Linares ( and Iñigo Lasa (
indicating as subject: REF: WHO road map evaluation

Closing date : 16 August 2024