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Date(s) - 07/11/2022


CEE Bankwatch Network



CEE Bankwatch is a network of civil society organisations from the region of central and eastern Europe. It works to influence the policies and operations of international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and European Investment Bank (EIB). The network’s operations from 2016 to 2021 were guided by a Strategic plan that covered two areas: the climate change area, to transform energy systems away from fossil fuels, and the democracy area, aimed at improving decision-making structures in IFIs and community control over resources. As Bankwatch will soon approve its new strategic plan till 2025, supported by the campaign area plans for 2021-2023 and corresponding funding proposals, now is a good moment to have an external reflection on effectiveness of the work. 

Evaluation object: Intervention to be evaluated  

Bankwatch is looking for a consultant to evaluate the effectiveness of the work in the strategic area ‘Democratisation of International Public Finance’ over the period of 2019-2021. This was one of the five areas of Bankwatch operations and had four objectives. It is implemented by a team of 8 people and is a combination of advocacy work and cooperation with communities and CSOs. The geography of work covers central and eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and individual cases in African countries. The operation is covered by several donors, with Sida being the leading contributor.  

The work of Bankwatch’s Democratisation team aims to prevent and mitigate the negative impacts on the natural and social environment caused by the loans of the multilateral development banks. For this purpose, Bankwatch engages in dialogue with decision makers on changes in the Banks’ strategies, policies and procedures as well as on individual loans. Collecting evidence on the ground, cooperation with local CSOs and impacted communities is an important element of our approach, along with media outreach and use of the network’s own communication channels.  

Invitation to Tender

Closing Date: 7th November 2022