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Date(s) - 28/10/2022




Type of contract: External Collaboration Contract or Service contract

The final evaluation:  Expected to take about 37 working days for the evaluator between November 2022-February 2023


ILO/EVAL is looking for an evaluator/evaluation team to conduct an independent cluster final evaluation of two ILO Social Protection projects in Africa (Eswatini and Democratic Republic of Congo) to take place between November 2022 and February 2023 (anglo-francophone evaluation).

The evaluation will be conducted by a sole evaluator or an evaluation team leader and 1 national evaluator.


Main qualifications of team leader

  • Advanced university degree preferably in law, economics, business management or related equivalent qualifications,
  • A minimum of 7 years of professional experience in evaluating international programmes and projects, development initiatives, logical framework, and theory of change-based and other strategic approaches such as gender analysis,
  • Understanding and experience of the development context in Africa, preferrable in the sub-regions of the two countries of the project (DRC and Eswatini) and relevant technical work in social protection, will be an asset
  • Knowledge and experience of the UN System, ILO’s roles and mandate and its tripartite structure, UN evaluation norms, its programming is desirable.
  • Knowledge and practice of M&E methods and approaches, and information analysis and report writing
  • Excellent communication and interview skills, and writing skills,
  • Demonstrated ability to work in group and deliver quality results within strict deadlines,
  • Excellent knowledge and excellent drafting skills in English and French


Main qualifications of national team members (RDC or Eswatini) – Optional

  • Advanced university degree preferably in law, economics, business management or related equivalent qualifications,
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in evaluating and implementing social protection programmes, preferably supporting Governments, national agencies, or social partners
  • Understanding and experience of the development context at country level (RDC or Eswatini), with relevant technical work in social protection will be an asset
  • Excellent communication and interview skills, and experience organizing field visits
  • Demonstrated ability to work in group and deliver quality results within strict deadlines,
  • Excellen8t knowledge and excellent drafting skills in English or French

Candidates intending to submit an expression of interest must supply the following information:

  1. A description of how the candidate’s skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to the required qualifications of this assignment (maximum 2 pages).
  2. A list of previous evaluations that are relevant to the context and subject matter of this assignment, indicating the role played by then consultant(s) applying (they can be highlighted in the CV).
  3. A statement confirming their availability to conduct this assignment, and the daily professional fee expressed in US dollars.
  4. A copy of the candidate’s curriculum vitae.
  5. A statement confirming that the candidates have no previous involvement in the implementation and delivery of the project to be evaluated or a personal relationship with any ILO Officials who are engaged in the project.
  6. The names of two referees (including phone and email) who can be contacted.
  7. Two reports in which the evaluator team leader has been the sole evaluator the team leader or team member.

Please send an e-mail with the subject header “Evaluation of Social protection projects” to the Evaluation Manager Edgar Aguilar ( and copying Ricardo Furman (

Invitation to Tender

Application deadline:  28 October 2022