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Date(s) - 20/07/2023


Date: 20th July 2023
Time: 19:00-20:30 Bangkok time

Description: What if we solved historical injustices with reparations instead of charity? And what if future injustices could be prevented if we had the foresight to hold current generations to account?

We’re excited to hold our next free, online Spotlight Event with an amazing panel of practitioners to challenge and inspire us on intergenerational justice. Whether you’re looking for like-minded allies, practical tips for your organisation, or alternative approaches for more holistic programming, we’d love to have you join us for this panel discussion.

As humanitarians and development professionals, we too often fall into the trap of reactive programming that focuses on immediate needs, but this can give an extremely narrow view of the real issues facing people and the planet. It limits our effectiveness at getting to the roots of injustice. The social justice issues we witness today have their roots in history and will continue to plague us for generations to come if we do not shift our thinking and ways of working.

These Spotlight events are laid back spaces to focus on holistic alternatives that bring more justice to our work. They’re always free and open to anyone, but please make sure to sign up here, since there are limited spaces available!
