Date(s) - 26/11/2023
n-ost (Berlin)
Deadline: 26th November 2023
Contract Value: 18.000 € including all fees and taxes
Anticipated dates of Project: 1st December 2023 – 12th February 2024
Although Central Asia is heavily affected by rising temperatures, climate change and climate protection play a surprisingly minor role in the public debate. The Communicating Climate project therefore aims to network both journalists and potential climate communicators from the four project countries and to strengthen their respective professional skills in order to bring climate change and climate protection into the focus of the public debate.
The aim of this feasibility study is to assess the project design to provide a solid basis for finalising the project concept by clarifying conditions, opportunities and risks. Concretely, the study should
a) briefly analyze the current situation with regard to media reporting and climate communication on the consequences of climate change for the four Central Asian project
countries and on national or international political measures to mitigate them (baseline)
b) identify relevant target groups and stakeholders of the project
c) assess the project design based on the OECD’s DAC criteria, i.e. relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact