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Date(s) - 05/04/2021 - 14/05/2021
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Field Monitoring Techniques

This six-week online course brings together tried and tested techniques to design relevant Real-Time Monitoring systems for ‘learning process’ development projects and programmes. With managerial relevance comes the enthusiasm to gather, analyse and use information at the field-level while providing quality ongoing formative evaluation for policy level.

Alongside innovative, flexible methods for tracking real-time progress, it explains how to analyse and present output progress data for managerial efficiency and the responses at higher outcomes.

Using our successful online training experience, together we guide your learning on the following topics:

  • cognitive mapping,
  • Strong and evolving project theory
  • A move to ongoing, formative evaluation
  • Use of comparative monitoring in real-time (RTM) at all levels of the results chain
  • Internal reviews (ALEX) for qualitative learning
  • Design and control of systems at lower levels; reflection and guidance from upper levels

The courses are held online and have the following scheduled dates:

  • 5th Aril – 14th May 2021.
  • 12th July – 20th August 2021.
  • 4th October – 12th November 2021.

 You can read more about this critical subject on this Blog by our lead trainer, Richard Bond, who uses his extensive field experience to explain why this course is so important.

You can learn more about this course here. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at