Date(s) - 02/10/2023
Big Win Philanthropy
Submission Deadline: 2nd October 2023
Seeking an independent evaluation consultant with experience of working in development and political contexts across the African continent to undertake an impact evaluation of two of its leadership programs: the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program (HMLP) and the African Mayoral Leadership Initiative (AMALI).
The purpose of this multi-year impact evaluation is to document and understand the impact of the HMLP and AMALI programs, to support Big Win’s monitoring and evaluation processes and to inform future developments and adaptations to our leadership programs. While most evaluation activities will be conducted remotely, some travel within Africa for face-to-face engagements is anticipated.
The attached Request for Proposal Independent-Impact-Evaluation-of-Big-Win-Leadership-Programs.pdf provides further information regarding the evaluation, including the aim and objectives, scope, deliverables, the qualifications and experience required by the consultant, and requirements for proposals.
The deadline for proposals is 02/10/2023. We will not be able to consider incomplete applications or those submitted after the deadline. Ideally, we are looking for applications from individual consultants or small evaluation teams.
Please submit proposals and any queries to