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Date(s) - 22/03/2023


M&E Academy


Date(s): 22 – 23 March 2023

The course provides full information on of Monitoring and Evaluation Accountability and Learning (MEAL) terminology, in humanitarian settings.

The course is interactive and online, intended to provide a real understanding of the concepts and the rationale behind, with examples from humanitarian field on protection, health and education sectors mainly.

It will cover both logical framework and Theory of Change approach as well as all the relevant terminology stated below.At the end of the course the participants will be able to develop a full-fledged Monitoring and Evaluation System for humanitarian projects.

The main learning outcomes of the course are:

• To be able to understand the main M&E terminology (baseline, activity, indicator, logframe etc.)
• To identify the difference between monitoring and evaluation
• To be able to differentiate levels of indicators: output, outcome and impact level
• To be able to successfully prepare indicators for your own purpope
• To be able to understand the Log Frame approach.
• To identify some tools for measurement of progress in your programme
• To learn main elements of an evaluation

Who is this course for?

This course is for humanitarian and development aid workers in the field other than monitoring and evaluation positions, such as management positions (project officers/managers, program managers, country directors etc.) or M&E professionals working in the field up to officer level.

Methodology and About the Course Providers

The training is provided by M&E Academy founders, part of the Global Evaluation initiative of World Bank. They have decades of humanitarian and development experience, gained mainly in displacement, refugee response and gender sectors.
The training will be provided by using Zoom platform and there is a limit of 12 participants. Please note that M&E Academy reserves right to decline participant requests due to limited number.

How To Register

The academy will provide sponsorship for 3 individual participants in each Cohort. The sponsored seats will be available from 140 USD. Regular participant fee: 640 USD Deadlines for submission of interest and payment: For more information, please complete the following form by clicking here. The team will reach you within 48 hours. Please share your forms by the following deadlines for information. Cohort 1- 22-23 March: by 18 March 2023

For further details and to book your place online, click here.