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Date(s) - 23/05/2022
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IMA International


The next Knowledge Management training is on the 23rd May! Applications are still open!

The provisional webinar dates are on the 23rd May, 3rd, 15th, 23rd and 30th June. All at Midday (BST).

You can learn more about this course here:

If you are interested in joining please send in your application here:

Watch this clip where Silvia Capezzuoli, Senior Consultant at IMA is speaking more about their take on Knowledge Management:

You will learn:

Module 1: KM Fundamentals
Module 2: Making a case for KM
Module 3: Realising KM
Module 4: KM Environment
Module 5: KM Assessments
Module 6: Feedback
Module 7: Learning from failure
Module 8: Documentation and lessons learned
Module 9: Existing KS opportunities
Module 10: KS Methods
Module 11: KS Tools
Module 12: KM Strategy

Great emphasis on participatory learning to support participants in developing valuable skills and learning about various tools and methods which they can apply in their everyday work. To support and embed participants’ learning interactive methods are used not only to support self-study but also groupwork and the exchange of knowledge between participants who come from various organisations.

At IMA International it is really important  to follow up on how  participants are applying their newly acquired skills and practices in their everyday work after the 6-week long online-participatory trainings. After the 6 week-long training  participants have access to all course resources and materials for 6 months which truly help to embed the learnt tools and practices. Furthermore, facilitators offer 1 to 1 mentoring sessions after the course to follow up and offer support to our participants in their ongoing work.

With any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact

Further details