Date(s) - 31/10/2023
Date: 31st Oct 2023
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: London, UK
Join the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) and the UNDP Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) to examine the inclusion of youth in national evaluation processes and systems and the challenges of evaluating and strengthening national evaluation systems in crisis settings: where we are today, and where we want to go!
A key focus of this agenda is to ensure gender equality, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and climate change considerations are incorporated within evaluation systems.
A year later, we come together to reflect on our progress over the past year, where we are now, and where we need to go leading up to the next NEC Conference in October 2024.
Event Details: Join the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) and the UNDP Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) to examine the inclusion of youth in national evaluation processes and systems and the challenges of evaluating and strengthening national evaluation systems in crisis settings.
Overview of the agenda:
1. Taking Forward the Turin Agenda: Introduction
• Isabelle Mercier, Director, UNDP IEO
• Dugan Fraser, Programme Manager, GEI
• Richard Jones, Evaluation Advisor, UNDP IEO
• Patrizia Cocca, Knowledge Management and Communications Lead, GEI
2. Inclusion of Youth in Evaluation Systems
The Turin Agenda recognises that national evaluation systems need to, “Actively give voice to people from all walks of life, paying special attention to youth, women and girls, and those who are often excluded and marginalised ” and calls on national evaluation systems to “Create ample space for young and emerging evaluators to lead and participate in shaping and strengthening national evaluation systems and future development pathways.”
How are national evaluation systems engaging with young and emerging evaluators? What are the challenges and lessons learned?
• Gabriela Rentería Flores, Chair, EvalYouth
• Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren, Founder and President Mongolian Evaluation Association
• Seirah Ngcobo, Deputy Director in Frontline Monitoring Support (FMS), South African Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
3. Addressing Crisis and Building Resilience in Evaluation Systems
The Turin Agenda recognizes that national evaluation systems need to “Consider fragility and resilience in all aspects of evaluation planning and implementation, including how evaluation can contribute to peacebuilding and rehabilitation, taking proper account of the context, relevant risks and threats.”
Are national evaluation systems [well] positioned to evaluate under crises, when government institutions are under stress, or weakened? How can national evaluation systems become more crisis-resilient and support decision making better in fragile/ crises contexts?
• Edoe Djimitri Agbodjan, Director, Center for learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR FA)
• Dr Larba Issa KOBYAGDA, Directeurgénéral de l’économie et de la planification Ministère de l’économie desfinances, Government of Burkina Faso
4. Discussion:
How do we bring this all together? What do countries need, to not only strengthen their national evaluation systems, but also integrate youth into the evaluation process and be ready for uncertainty and evaluation in a crisis setting. Join the discussion!
5. Conclusions and Next Steps
How do we take this forward? Where do we want to be in another six months, and a year, at the next NEC Conference in 2024?