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Date(s) - 03/07/2023 - 07/07/2023


Date: 3rd – 7th July 2023

Duration: 5 Days

Cost: The individual cost for the training workshop is USD 850 for individual participants and USD 650 for groups above 10 participants, exclusive of 16% VAT. This covers the training fee, resource materials, and conference package. Participants attending the training onsite will be responsible for travel expenses and arrangements, such as airport transfers (and visa application, where necessary), food and accommodation, health/accident insurance, and other personal expenses.

Description: Seasoned Development Solutions has organized a training on Planning, Programming and Monitoring Projects Training. The training is anchored on the saying that if you plan to fail if you fail to plan. This interactive course focuses on project design, activity programming, and monitoring. The idea of Results-Based Management (RBM) and its implementation in project management are first introduced to participants. RBM is the main management strategy, focusing on performance and goal attainment.
Then, participants go through the phases of project planning and activity programming.

The logical framework is the primary tool. It offers a systematic methodology for identifying desired outcomes and the actions and inputs required to achieve them. The training also includes additional approaches and tools for identifying stakeholders, analyzing problems, defining objectives in accordance with population demands, and efficiently allocating human, financial, and logistical resources.
Finally, participants will explore developing and deploying an effective monitoring system.

Intended Attendees
The course will benefit persons who are new to project management or have experience but haven’t had the opportunity to follow a training course yet. In particular:
• Project/Programme managers
• Key field and HQ staff involved in project management
• Managers supervising project teams
• People who wish to join the not-for-profit sector
• Consultants working for NGOs

By the conclusion of the course, the training will teach participants how to plan a project, schedule its operations, and create and operate its monitoring system utilizing the Result-Based Management method and the logical framework as a tool.

For detailed course description and content, write us an email at
