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Date(s) - 01/08/2023


The International Centre for Parliamentary Studies

Date: 1st-4th August 2023
Fees: Participation for the 4 days/4 modules – £2500 per learner

Description: The four modules that make up this course examine the 5 Dimensions of Leadership identified by the Institute for Leadership and Management – Authenticity, Vision, Achievement, Ownership and Collaboration.

The course is designed for all those working in governmental and other public sector environments, taking account of the challenges that can present for leaders and managers. Through a blend of presentational material, discussions and workshops the programme provides an opportunity to improve their understanding of leadership and management, identify strengths and areas for development and build new insights and skills.

The four modules will enable you to:
1. Explore established as well as new thinking on leadership and management best practice.
2. Explore the Institute of Leadership and Management’s five dimensions and other models to gain insights into your strengths and areas for development.
3. Examine tools and techniques to build the leadership and management skills across the five dimensions, supported by practical exercises and discussion.

Experts in the field will lead this training through interactive workshops, lectures and best practice case studies, fostering innovation, creating learning and networking amongst peers.

Outline content of the four modules:
Module One/Day One: Defining Your Leadership and Introduction to Leadership and Strategy
• Overview of the Course and Introductions
• Session 1: Leadership and Management
o Differences, Similarities and Overlaps
o Overview of Key Theories
o The Institute of Leadership and Management’s 5 Dimensions of Leadership
• Session 2: Defining Your Leadership – Being An ‘Authentic Leader’
o What is ‘Authenticity’?
o What are the components of ‘Authenticity’ and how can we develop it?

Module Two/Day Two: Leadership -The Organisational Context (Change and Culture) How Leaders Build High Performing Organisations
• Welcome And Recap
• Session 1: Leadership And Management In High Performing Organisations
o Creating an outcome focused organisation
o Managing performance
o Empowering people
o Coaching and mentoring
• Session 2: Leadership And Management In High Performing Organisations
o Developing talent
o Building resilience

Module Three/Day Three: Leadership – The Organisational Context (Change and Culture) Strategy, Innovation and Change
• Session 1: Leadership and Strategy
o The role of leaders and managers in developing strategy and creating strategic
o Creating strategic alignment
• Session 2: The Role of Leaders in Driving Innovation and Change
o Understanding change
o The role of leaders and managers in change
o Understanding human reactions to change
o Driving innovation
• Session 3: The Role of Leaders in Changing Culture
o Components of culture
o Making culture change stick

Module Four/Day Four: Leadership and Working with People
• Welcome And Recap
• Session 1: Working with People and Building Effective Teams
o Creating High Performing Teams
o Stages of team formation
o Networking
o Dealing with Conflict
• Session 2: Stakeholders
o Identifying Stakeholders
o Engaging with and Managing Stakeholders
• Session 3: Communication

The Institute of Management and Leadership (ILM) has approved this training course. ILM combines years of research, knowledge and innovation to champion the leadership agenda for all and since 1947 they have carried out extensive research into the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours and values of great leadership. Based on ILM’s core leadership values, this course meets the standard that enables learners who have completed to access the following benefits:
• Membership of ILM and will receipt of an ICPS/ ILM joint Certificate of achievement for the course
• Access to a raft of resources to help you with your continuing professional development, including an award-winning library of e-learning content
• A community of over 30,000 members worldwide enabling you to collaborate and grow your knowledge and skills
• Receipt of weekly news updates, podcasts and cutting-edge research and a monthly published journal and invitations to topical webinars
• Authorisation to use approved letters AMInstLM (Associate Member of The Institute of Leadership and Management) after your name for business correspondence

ICPS has long been a leading provider of training solutions with an exceptional reputation for delivering high quality. Our solutions are underpinned by the internationally recognised Institute of Leadership and Management (TILM). Each course we deliver comes with an ICPS certificate of competence.

ICPS Trainers: All our courses are led by highly experienced trainers that have a track record of delivering training to the very highest standard. Each trainer that works with us also has personal experience of working at the highest level of either Parliament, Government or the Civil Service, enabling them to give a genuine insight into the course subject matter. ICPS offers a wide range of highly informative interactive training events and certificated courses, providing insights into the workings of Parliament, Government, and policymaking.

Our Upcoming Courses:
Professional Certificate in Public Financial Management – 12th – 14th July 2023
Professional Certificate in Strategic Change Management – 17th – 20th July 2023

Professional Certificate in Leadership and Management – 1st – 4th August 2023

Professional Certificate in Strategic Policy Planning – 4th – 6th September 2023
Policy Implementation & Evaluation Masterclass (three days) – 11th – 13th September 2023
Professional Certificate in Project and Programme Management – 18th – 20th September 2023
Professional Certificate in Legislative Processes – 18th – 20th September 2023
Professional Certificate in Strategic Procurement Planning – 25th – 27th September 2023
Professional Certificate in Electoral Conflict Resolution – 26th – 29th September 2023

Register: Aaisha Nazeer Tel : 44 (0) 203 137 8651