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Date(s) - 16/02/2023


Data Management Aid


We are looking for a Team Leader for a Baseline Survey on Agricultural Value Chains Project in Thailand. Following qualifications are required:

  • a post-graduate degree in agricultural economics, agribusiness management, enterprise development, economics, or an applicable social sciences field – or 10+ of similar experience at the senior level
  • a minimum of 20+ years of professional work experience in donor-funded development programming and/or economic development
  • demonstrated experience leading at least two evaluations of projects with similar scope and complexity within the past 5-7 years
  • extensive experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative evaluations and strong familiarity with business, market systems, value/supply chain development, etc.
  • familiarity with USG regulations and systems, including performance monitoring guidance on gender policies and guidance, project management, budgeting, and financial analysis and reporting.

If interested or you know anybody potential for this position, please circulate in your network. Please contact for details at