Date(s) - 07/12/2023
Date: 7th December 2023
Time: 13:00 GMT
Webinar presenting the findings of a report about social registries and information systems in West Africa. On 12 December, join us for a session about the integration of the Graduation Approach, also referred to as economic inclusion or cash plush, in the context of project-induced resettlement and forced displacement.
The challenge of coordination and inclusion: use of social registries and broader social protection information systems for capturing multiple vulnerabilities in West Africa
Join a session presenting key findings from a recent research was comissioned by WFP and UNICEF analysing 19 countries in Western Africa about the development of social registries and digital information systems in the region. The webinar aims to discuss the strategic implications and role of these tools in advancing social protection systems in these countries, and will be an opportunity to gain valuable insights into the socio-economic impacts of multiple shocks in Western Africa. This research was produced in the context of the projetct ‘Responding to COVID-19 through Social Protection Systems in the Sahel’ funded by KfW/BMZ and led by Oxford Policy Management.