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Date(s) - 05/12/2023


Date: 5th December
Time: 9:00-10:30 EST/NY time

The UNICEF Evaluation Office is pleased to invite you to a Humanitarian Evaluation Learning Event, intended to strengthen both humanitarian evaluation knowledge and practice at the global level. The event aimed at both emerging and experienced evaluators will provide participants with a unique opportunity to exchange with and learn from three seasoned humanitarian evaluation team leaders that have been working with UNICEF this past year (L3 Afghanistan, L3 Northern Ethiopia, and L3 Yemen). Rather than focusing on the key evaluation findings per se, the Learning Event will focus on the methodological innovations adopted by UNICEF evaluation teams within the scope of their L3 evaluation assignments; and b) provide some strategic tips to evaluators in order to enhance their humanitarian evaluation thinking and practice.

Following some introductory remarks from the Evaluation Office, the three humanitarian evaluation team leaders will talk about their recent work with UNICEF and share their own perspectives on what it takes to be a solid humanitarian evaluator. The conversation among the three team leaders will pave the way for an interactive dialogue with all other participants

Moderator: Michele Tarsilla (Chief of Humanitarian Evaluation, UNICEF Evaluation Office)
Speakers: Pierre Townsend (ITAD – Afghanistan Evaluation), Bill Gray (Northern Ethiopia Evaluation) and Ed Schenkenberg (Humanitarian Exchange and Research Centre, Yemen Evaluation)

To access the learning event, please click HERE