Date(s) - 28/09/2022 - 30/09/2022
15:00 - 19:00
World Education Leadership Symposium 2022, September 28-30, 2022 Call for Proposals
World Education Leadership Symposium WELSmain, Online Conference, September 28-30, 2022, 3 – 7 pm CEST
School and leadership between revolution, tradition and exhaustion
Call for Proposals –
Deadline August 7, 2022
1. Call for Proposals: WELSmain, September 28-30, 2022, 3 – 7 pm CEST Submission of a Proposal for the German and English Program of the Symposium 2022 is possible until 7 August 2022. Further information can be found below. We look forward to receiving your submissions.1.1 ProgramSchool and leadership between revolution, tradition and exhaustion – in this area of tension, the Plenary and Parallel Program will feature keynotes, science- and practice-oriented presentations and discussion forums. In the Parallel Program, participants will discuss current challenges and opportunities on questions of quality and further development of education and schools as well as school leadership in parallel roundtables. The aim is to learn about current developments and to share experiences and knowledge.
The conference languages are German and English.
1.2 Topics
The focus of WELSmain 2022 will be on the following topics:
- COVID-19 and education: How have education systems around the world responded to the pandemic? Where are we in the analysis of achievements, challenges and recovery? What innovations have been initiated? What needs to be done now?
- Digitality, school and education: Digitality – the new normal? How can we succeed in perpetuating the digital revolution? Where are standards needed, where flexible solutions?
- Transitions in the education chain: Where are the challenges? What needs to be done to provide attractive and stable connections for the best possible education?
- War and peace: How do schools deal with this and other crises that shake children and young people? Do we need new or different partnerships, for example between parents and schools?
- Inclusion – migration – heterogeneity: What are the old and new challenges facing schools and education? What role do politics, administration, practice and the support system play?
- Leadership: How is it possible to initiate a powerful departure in the development of schools and leave the phase of exhaustion behind?
- Cooperation and multiprofessionalism: What do multiprofessional teams achieve? Where do we see forward-looking cooperation?
1.3 Format
To present at WELSmain 2022 we welcome submissions in the format of 10 to 15-minute presentations. Presentations are expected to report
- summaries of ongoing or completed research projects,
- promising and innovative practice or
- to provide a brief (critical) reflection on a current question.
1.4 Proposal Submission
Proposals can be submitted till latest August 7, 2022. Each proposal should provide a maximum 250 words abstract. Received proposals will be reviewed. Upon a positive assessment, your contribution will be accepted in the Program. It is planned that you will receive feedback by August 22, 2022.
Here you can submit.
2. Registration
Participation is free of charge. Registration for the conference is now open till September 27, 2022.
For Presenters: Please note that additionally to submitting a conference proposal it is necessary to register for the conference. Please register yourself and your co-presenter(s) for the WELSonline at by latest September 1, 2022.
3. Summarized briefly
Submission of a Proposal: WELSmain2022Proposals
Registration: WELS2022Registration
The conference is organised by the Institute for the Management and Economics of Education (IBB) of the University of Teacher Education Zug in cooperation with various partners.
Get inspired – extend your own network – shape the future
We hope very much that you will be part of these events.
Stephan Huber and the WELS Team