We have the pleasure to announce that during the Biannual NESE meeting held remotely, on 19 April 2023, a new NESE Advisory Board was formed for the period 2023-2025:
NESE Advisory Board Chair

From AIV – Italian Evaluation Association
Nicola Orlando
MSc in Economics at Catholic University of Milan. Senior researcher at IRS – Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (in MIlan, Italy). Member of the National Board of the Italian Evaluation Association (Associazione Italiana di Valutazione – AIV) for the period 2023-2025. Expert in monitoring labour market and assessing labour market policies. Experience in comparative research projects in labour economics (with particular care to labour market transitions, human resources quality and working conditions), in evaluating and monitoring employment service activities and labour market policies (also aimed at disadvantaged targets, in particular at people with disabilities), and ESF as well as ERDF national programs and policy. Ability to handle and access National and European datasets — especially in relation to labour market micro-data, demographic data, and gender statistics — as well as to the matched employer- employee dataset. Expert in analysis of quantitative data, also with the support of econometrics methods and in a gender prospective.
NESE Advisory Board Co-Chair

From Western Balkan Evaluation Network – WBEN
Mihajlo Djukic
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Belgrade University, Serbia (Bachelor and Master studies) and obtained PhD degree in finance at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia. He has been employed as a researcher with the Institute of Economic Sciences (IES) since 2010. His research focuses on economic policy, strategic development and evaluation of public policies. Mihajlo has participated in several projects commissioned by the state institutions at the national and local level, as well as by international organizations (UN FAO, SDC, GIZ, ICMPD, Bloomberg Philantropies, Evalpartners, IOCE, etc.), which have dealt with the issues related to drafting and evaluation of strategic documents and policy analyses in various fields – local development, youth policy, health economics, etc. Since 2023, Mihajlo has been also engaged as an evaluator of the proposals submitted within the ERASMUS+ programme. He is a member of the Western Balkan Evaluation Network – WBEN and member of the Network of Evaluation Societies in Europe (NESE) Advisory Board.

From EES – European Evaluation Society
Ms. Danièle Lamarque
Former member of the French Court of Auditors and the European Court of Auditors, Daniele Lamarque has contributed to develop program evaluation in France and abroad by participating in the French official Councils set up after 1990 and by promoting evaluation in the Supreme Audit Institutions. She is a member of the editorial committees of Politiques and management public, Evaluation, and editor in chief of Gestion et Finances publiques. She has published 2 books on evaluation and a number of articles related to evaluation, audit and public management. She has experienced audit, evaluation and related issues of quality control at different levels: local (by chairing 2 regional audit units in Rouen and Marseille), national and European. Member and vice-president (2018-2020) of the French evaluation society, she is past president (2019-2021) of the European Evaluation Society.

From PES – Polish Evaluation Society
Ms. Monika Bartosiewicz-Niziolek
Monika Bartosiewicz-Niziolek is a graduate of Ph.D. studies at the School for Social Research of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Postgraduate Evaluation Studies at the University of Warsaw, and Train the Trainer course at the NGO Trainers’ Association. She gained her first experience in conducting evaluations in the mid-1990s by participating in international projects. As the owner of the Evaluation Research Lab, and then as an independent researcher, she evaluated several dozens of various projects/programs in cooperation with public administration, universities, NGOs, and institutions working mainly in the field of education and social policies. She has experience in commissioning and supervising the evaluation process, along with providing consultancy in this area. She is an author and a co-author of more than 100 evaluation reports and over 20 publications on evaluation. Monika serves as the President, training coordinator, and trainer of the Polish Evaluation Society, and conducted several dozen courses and workshops on evaluation (above 1,700 h). She is a member of the NGO Trainers’ Association, a member of the Evaluation Steering Group of the Cohesion Policy in Poland, a certified reviewee, and a reviewer of the European Evaluation Society, and a Council Member of the International Evaluation Academy.

From the Iberian Association of Professional Evaluation – APROEVAL
Aida El Khoury de Paula
Freelance professional evaluator and researcher, Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Brasilia (UnB/Brazil), Master´s in Sociology (UFMG/Brazil), Master´s in Evaluation of Programmes and Public Policies from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
Since 2013, Aïda has been working as evaluator in health, education and social protection of people in multi-cultural and vulnerable contexts and situations. In 2014 she joined the Iberian Association of Professional Evaluation/APROEVAL, Madrid, Spain. In 2017 she founded and coordinated until 2020 the TWG “Professionalization of Evaluation” which developed and published a set of guidelines on good practices in evaluation (2019). Since 2016 she has represented APROEVAL at the NESE and at its Advisory Board since 2019. Member of EES since 2012 and of the TWG4. “Professionalization of Evaluation since 2014. From January 2021 to April 2023, Aïda was the president of APROEVAL and currently she is a member of its Executive Board.

From HES – Helenic Evaluation Society
Tina Orfanidou
Dr. Tina Orfanidou has more than 20 years of professional experience in the fields of strategy, programming, funding and evaluation. She is member of SESMA BoD and Chair of the Hellenic Evaluation Society. Dr. Orfanidou has:
- Excellent knowledge of evaluations’ design and implementation (ex-ante, on-going, midterm, ex-post) for policies, Operational Programmes, Interventions and Projects.
- Excellent knowledge of the combined application of various evaluation methodologies and tools and the development and establishment of indicators’ systems and KPIS: organisational assessment tools, Compliance-Relevance-Coherence Matrices, CIA, Risk Assessment, Field Surveys, Case studies, Gap Analysis, BBSc,
- Excellent understanding of the overall framework of EU economic and social cohesion policy and of the current institutional and regulatory framework for accessing EU funding with emphasis on Human resources development, labour market, unemployment, lifelong learning and skills, education, combat of discrimination and social inclusion
- Proven track record in the provision of technical assistance to general government bodies for the design and funding of strategic plans and projects
- Extensive Knowledge on Strategic and Operational Planning for several Public and Private Bodies, as well as performing Risk Assessment and Analysis as input for the above Planning.

From DeGEval – Society for Evaluation (Austria and Germany)
Angela Wroblewski
Angela Wroblewski is a senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. She is a trained sociologist and holds a PhD in social sciences from the University of Vienna. She has a background in the field of Gender Studies in Academia, including evaluations of equality policies and women-only programs. She coordinated the H2020 structural change project TARGET – Taking a reflexive approach to Gender Equality for Institutional Transformation. Within TARGET she was also responsible for the evaluation of the implementation of gender equality plans in seven institutions. Furthermore, she is involved in the Horizon Europe GENDERACTION+ project where she is responsible for the monitoring of the implementation of gender quality policies at national level. Angela has been active member of the DeGEval since 2005. She has been founding member and coordinator of the working group gender mainstreaming within the DeGEval till 2019. Since 2019 she is member of the DeGEval board.