by Leny van Oijen | Dec 1, 2020 | Blog
(Photo by When asked what I do for a living, the reply that I work in the field of “development” often evokes a question with a slightly sceptical undertone: do you think development aid is effective? As there is no across-the-board response, it usually...
by Lauren Weiss and Weronika Felcis | Oct 8, 2020 | Blog
Context for the Eval4Action Regional Consultation in Europe As noted in EES’ previous blog post, “in such turbulent times of baffling crises, contradiction and uncertainty, we – as an evaluation community – should come together, debate and agree on new ways of doing...
by Anupam Anand, Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Office of the GEF, Washington DC & Hur Hassnain, Senior Evaluation Advisor, EC DEVCO/ESS, Brussels, Belgium | Sep 10, 2020 | Blog
The presentation titled Geospatial, location, and big data: ‘Where have we been and where can we go?’ organized by the European Evaluation Society, highlighted the main opportunities for the application of geospatial data in evaluation practice. It...
by Joachim Vandercasteelen, Young Professional at World Bank Independent Evaluation Group | Aug 26, 2020 | Blog
The presentation titled ‘Observing from space when evaluators cannot observe in the field’ by Joachim Vandercasteelen discussed how georeferenced data can be used for project evaluations when evaluators cannot travel to the field. The presentation provided...
by Estelle Raimondo, Senior Evaluation Officer at the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group | Aug 20, 2020 | Blog
EES’ first webinar in the series Emerging Data Landscapes in M&E, on Geospatial, location and big data: Where have we been and where can we go? began with the session Evaluation and emerging data: what are we learning from early applications? by Estelle...
by Gregory McGann | Aug 12, 2020 | Blog
Evaluation continues to play an ever more important part in the public and private sectors, with a particularly critical role in providing learning and accountability for sustainable development initiatives. With greater responsibilities across a wider range of...