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Brevity and nimbleness are the hallmarks of Connections: published articles are normally 800-1,200 words long. Even shorter contributions (news items; opinion pieces; book reviews and letters to the editor) are accepted with a view to promote debate and connect evaluators within Europe and beyond.  While Connections is not a peer reviewed publication only articles that add to knowledge about the theory, methods and practices of evaluation should be submitted.

Contributions that highlight European values and evaluation practices are given priority but Connections also reaches out beyond Europe to the international evaluation community and favours articles reflecting a diversity of perspectives. Within the limits of copyrights agreements articles that summarize in a cogent way the substantive content of published (or to be published) studies, papers, book chapters, etc. are welcome (with suitable attribution).

Individuals or organizations wishing to sponsor special issues about an evaluation theme or topic of contemporary interest should contact the EES Secretariat ( Such special issues usually consist of 6-8 articles in addition to a guest editorial. A Presidential letter may be included. The guest editor(s) are responsible for the quality of the material and the timeliness of submissions.  The regular editorial team ensures that special issues meet ‘Connections’ standards and takes care of copy editing.

To facilitate copy editing, authors are encouraged to use end notes rather than footnotes and to use the APA style guide for references. Here are some examples:

For books: Bergmann, I. (1997). Attention deficit disorder. In The new Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica. 

For journal articles: Rindermann, H., &  Ceci, S. J. (2009). Educational policy and country outcomes in international cognitive competence studies. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(6), 551-568. doi:10.111/j1745-6924. 2009.01165.x

Website: United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2007, May 4). Climate Change. Retrieved 12 June 2014 from the Environmental Protection Agency website: 
In-text reference: (United States Environmental, 2007)

2018 - Evaluation Connections (May)
2017 - Evaluation Connections (November) - Special Edition