Danièle Lamarque has been the French Member of the European Court of Auditors (2014-2019), in charge of audit quality since June 2016. Previously she was a reporting member for European development funds, leading audits on the EU budget, migration funds and domestic resources in developing countries. Before joining the European Court she was a member of the French Court of auditors (1984-2014) and chair of two regional audit bodies (Rouen and Marseille) for 10 years. She has been involved in evaluation matters for 30 years, through institutional, professional, academic, international and non-profit activities: member of the Scientific Council, then the National Council, of Evaluation in France (1993-2002), lead of the INTOSAI working group on program evaluation for Supreme audit institutions, member of the board (since 2015) and now vice-president of the French evaluation society, member of the editorial committee of the Journal Politiques et management publics. In cooperation with this Journal, she organised in Luxembourg in November 2017 a Symposium on Regulatory impact assessment at both the EU and national levels (published). She published many articles on issues of evaluation, public management and internal control, and two books upon Evaluation of local policies (2004) and Audit and evaluation of public management (2016).